Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dave's choice for Podcast

Like so many before me, I was sidetracked during a trip to YouTube. You had assigned a viewing of the YouTube video featuring Richardson explaining why blogs are powerful for life-long learning. Well anyway, I saw on the side a lecture by a man named Alex Wright entitled "The Web that Wasn't". The lecture examined what the internet would have been like if it were founded by a different group of pioneers. With piles of course work to do for class, I found myself listening to his lecture in its entirety.
My search for Alex Wright Podcasts led me to the Long Now Foundations website This organization was established to foster thinking about the long-term direction that we are headed in. They have a series of seminars called SALT seminars (Seminars About Long-term Thinking). This series of podcasts features lots of topics and they are not all necessarily about education, but many are. I am looking forward to listening to these Podcasters about the vision they have for where we are all headed.

1 comment:

  1. That is cool! Thanks for sidetracking me, too. (grin)


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